
Take away the descriptors

October 20, 2014

We are reckless jargon users in education. Just ask anyone coming out of your local supermarket what they think “effective pedagogies” or “student agency” means. Jargon is used to: exclude; disguise; imply expertise; and to market product.  No one benefits when words are used to divide and confuse. Nine notable offenders have agreed to have […]

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SOLO Taxonomy @edchatNZ

August 10, 2014

New Zealand educators tweet about #SOLOTaxonomy.
@edchatNZ Conference August 2014

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HookED SOLO Literacy Stickers

August 3, 2014

This post acknowledges two ever fabulous teachers – Lynley Cummack and Rachel Saxton – and the work they do with primary and secondary students using classroom based approach to SOLO Taxonomy in New Zealand. When I worked with Lynley Cummack (Team Leader for Hurunui Team at Waimairi School) last month, she set me up for […]

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The Baker’s Dozen: 13 SOLO Map Postcards

July 31, 2014

“There has always been art in cartography. Maps by definition are utilitarian, of course; they bear implicit promises of routes into and out of the unknown. Yet the language of maps as developed over time is a beautiful one, filled with artistic potential.“ Katharine Harmon “The Map as Art” from Princeton Architectural Press I am […]

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On “being a mole” days

July 28, 2014

“Then suddenly the Mole felt a great Awe fall upon him, an awe that turned his muscles to water, bowed his head, and rooted his feet to the ground. It was no panic terror – indeed he felt wonderfully at peace and happy ― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows I am working from […]

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SOLO Posters in French

July 24, 2014

I am excited to announce that designer Nick Denton has just finished the French language versions of the HookED SOLO Posters series. I suspect you will love the effect created with the handwritten text as much as I do. These exuberant designs complement the English and Te Reo Māori posters. Click on the thumbnail to […]

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SOLO Fortune Teller

July 19, 2014

Stepping into the Twitter stream is not unlike Ruby’s experience of watching a garage sale. There is a lot of sifting, shoving and shushing going on, along with the opportunity to see tweets being tossed and turned in people’s minds and then laid back down again. The following Tweet from @MsHMFL got tossed and turned […]

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Målstyret undervisning og taksonomier (Goal-oriented Teaching and Taxonomies).

June 11, 2014

I love my job. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities. Recently I was invited to contribute a chapter on SOLO Taxonomy to a new Danish anthology exploring goal-oriented teaching and taxonomies. The context of the anthology is primary and lower secondary school in Denmark, so you are writing to teachers, school leaders, consultants and […]

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The Invercargill Eye: Simple model supercharges learning

May 22, 2014

Working with Southland Girls’ High School on the 19th of May was a day stuffed full of unexpected delight. I was made to feel welcome and cared for at multiple levels. That includes Buster Crabb in Dee St, all conversations shared, the sausage rolls at morning tea and the forced march up Bluff Hill in […]

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SOLO Posters in Te Reo Māori

December 9, 2013

I am loving the Twitter feedback on the stunning Te Reo Māori SOLO Posters launched today. Designer Nick Denton has taken the translations by Dr Ngaere Roberts and Matthew Fraser and created two sets of SOLO posters in Te Reo Māori. Nick used a reverse print of the original SOLO posters. The Te Reo posters […]

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