Recent Presentations 2015 to 2016
- Hook, P. 2016. Citizenship and sharing the road network. 17 November 2016. TRAFINZ Conference. Tauranga, New Zealand. (Plenary and panel discussion)
- Hook, P. 2016. From surface to deep learning with SOLO Taxonomy. Fra overfladelæring til dybdelæring med SOLO-taksonomien. Dafolo Conference. October 2016 Denmark. (Keynote and two full day workshops).
- Hook, P. 2016. SOLO Taxonomy and Deep Learning. Mid Canterbury Principals Association Conference. April 2016. Ashburton, New Zealand. (Full day workshop).
- Hook, P. 2016. SOLO Taxonomy and New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. NPDL Cluster Schools Conference. Department of Education and Training Victoria. February 2016 Melbourne Australia. (Keynote and full day workshop).
- Hook, P. 2015. SOLO Taxonomy and Deep Learning. ULearn15 Conference. October 2015. Auckland, New Zealand. (Spotlight Presentation, Workshop, Forum and Pecha Kucha).
- Hook, P. 2015. SOLO Taxonomy, Higher order thinking and English Language Teaching. Essential Resources Conference. August 2015. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. (Keynote, two full day workshops and 3 days in-school facilitation).
- Hook, P. 2015 and 2016. SOLO Taxonomy and Citizenship and Science for Citizenship. New Zealand Transport Agency and City Council Conferences/workshops. Wellington, Rotorua, Auckland, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Hook, P. 2015 and 2016. Introduction to SOLO Taxonomy. School cluster network conferences. Keynotes and full day workshop sessions. New Zealand and Australia
HookED SOLO Presentations
HOT SOLO Presentations (18)