SOLO Maps and Rubrics for using academic language (academic verbs) are now available as a free download from the HookED Free Resources Page. Redesigned by the inimitable Danish educator Tobias Jacoby, the editable maps and rubrics feature the clean lines and practical functionality of Danish design. They are available for download in MS PowerPoint or Apple Keynote slide decks. [Link to HookED Free Resources Page]
What is academic language? Academic language is “the language used in schools to help students acquire and use knowledge” (Anstrom et al 2010 cited in Schleppegrell 2012 ). Learning in school requires that students use academic language and cognitively challenging processes to relate and extend ideas in abstract ways. Supporting students learning how to use academic language to bring in the ideas and information (surface learning) and for connection and abstraction (deep learning) is made easier using SOLO Maps and rubrics.
Why does it matter? All students need academic language to achieve in school. If we do not actively seek explicit opportunities for students to develop this academic language we risk locking them into a pattern of long term underachievement. Without the academic vocabulary (high utility words) and text patterns that matter most they are unlikely to develop the skills needed for academic success. It is the variable access to academic language – the “language of school” – that makes the teaching of academic registers to students an equity issue (Schleppegrell M. J. 2012).
Teaching students academic registers is an equity issue, as some children gain access to these registers outside of school through family and community activities, while other students need support in the classroom if they are to learn to engage in using language in ways that enable them to demonstrate their knowledge. (Schleppegrell M. J. 2012 p412)
SOLO Maps and Rubrics
What are they? SOLO process maps and self assessment rubrics (Hook and Mills 2011, Hook 2015) are strategies to help students develop deep understanding of text patterns for academic language function and structure. SOLO process maps act as visual templates for draft thinking, speaking and writing using academic (or command) verbs.
The SOLO Maps identify examples of common text patterns used in the academic language of school. They identify the process steps to using each academic verb and are accompanied by rubrics providing visual summaries and differentiated success criteria (assessment rubrics).
These SOLO Map and rubric examples include text patterns for:
● bringing in ideas (SOLO multistructural text patterns) – define – describe
● linking ideas (SOLO relational text patterns) – sequence – classify – compare and contrast – explain causes – explain effects – analyse – make an analogy
● extending ideas (SOLO extended abstract text patterns) – generalise – evaluate a claim – discuss – predict.
Key vocabulary strips (flashcards) for SOLO verbs/connectives using Tobias Jacoby’s design are also available [Link to HookED Flashcards – Connectives and Academic Verbs]
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I have been trying to get to the website to access the HOT Solo maps, editable and flashcards but I have no luck with the links on this page. I would love some help.
Thank you so much,