SOLO Programming Rubrics

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SOLO functioning knowledge rubrics can be used to make learning outcomes visible for novice programmers.

Why is this important?

Clear et al. (2008) point out that two major contributors to the exodus from Computer Science and cognate disciplines are poor teaching of computing in high schools and the “nerdy” image of the profession to young people. We contend that, even at university level, too much is taken for granted by teachers,in the formative stages of learning programming. Incorrect models of a range of fundamental programming concepts are conveyed in teaching or received by novices, often compounding the problems of understanding. Poor models of programming concepts have a propagating effect, plunging novices into a spiral of frustration, loss of confidence and self-belief, as more complex material is covered (Wayne D. Gray 1993, Caspersen & Bennedsen 2007). Shuhidan, Hamilton and D'Souza 2009.

Examples of SOLO self-assessment rubrics

SOLO Functioning Knowledge Rubric Template

File:SOLO Functioning Knowledge Rubric Template.pdf

SOLO Writing Code Rubric - developed from A Taxonomic Study of Novice Programming Summative Assessment by Shuhaida Shuhidan Margaret Hamilton Daryl D’Souza 2009

File:HookED Writing Code Rubric.pdf

SOLO Using Scratch MIT Rubric

File:HookED Using ScratchMIT SOLO Rubric.pdf

SOLO Using Scratch MIT To Show Understanding of Angles Rubric

File:HookED Angles Geometry Scratch Rubrics.pdf

SOLO Presentation - Scratch MIT and Angles in Geometry


SOLO Using Kahootz To Create Ending for a Story Rubric.

File:HookED Using Kahootz Create the ending to a story SOLO Rubric.pdf

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