Imagining the future in your school: Transport Agency curriculum resources

October 22, 2014

Asking how we identify the future – and how we bring the future into the present form a large part of current educational discourse – especially in those edu_conference keynote conversations and breakfast sessions. Jensen (Witnessing the Future pdf) cites Serres and Latour and suggests that “assemblage”, “design”, “finish” and “slickness of advertising” all play […]

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Take away the descriptors

October 20, 2014

We are reckless jargon users in education. Just ask anyone coming out of your local supermarket what they think “effective pedagogies” or “student agency” means. Jargon is used to: exclude; disguise; imply expertise; and to market product.  No one benefits when words are used to divide and confuse. Nine notable offenders have agreed to have […]

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