
Metrics for the spread of a powerful idea (updated)

June 28, 2015

I came home after working in Christchurch with the Ōtākaro Cluster to find a package on my desk. It contained my author copies of Læringsmål og taksonomiske redskaber. The Danish contribution written by Bodil Nielsen, Annette Hildebrand Jensen, Lene Skovbo Heckmann , Victoria Grønning Iverssøn and Kirsten Frøhlich Well , with other chapters by James […]

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SOLO Fortune Teller

July 19, 2014

Stepping into the Twitter stream is not unlike Ruby’s experience of watching a garage sale. There is a lot of sifting, shoving and shushing going on, along with the opportunity to see tweets being tossed and turned in people’s minds and then laid back down again. The following Tweet from @MsHMFL got tossed and turned […]

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