SOLO hexagons

SOLO Taxonomy and systems thinking in the classroom

February 10, 2022

Check out this new four part series exploring how SOLO Taxonomy and hexagonal thinking can be used to teach systems thinking in the classroom. Link here.

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SOLO Hexagons iPad App

June 19, 2017

Dead chuffed to announce that SOLO Hexagons has just been released on the Apple iPad Store. Love the versatility in new SOLO Hexagons App – the team at CactusLab has developed earlier work by Dave Carpenter and have captured that “sandpit pedagogy” feel that makes SOLO Hexagons such a flexible strategy for shifting students from […]

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HookED Reverse SOLO Hexagons

March 30, 2015

Two weeks ago I failed to get to a NZTA Secondary Teachers Reference Group Meeting in Wellington. I was running a workshop on citizenship and road safety education.  After an over early start to catch the flight I spent the morning flying part way down the island before being turned back by fog at Wellington […]

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Now offering BIG and small versions.

October 21, 2013

Update to HookED SOLO Hexagons app – now offering “BIG” and “small” version templates

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How to introduce SOLO Taxonomy

July 22, 2013

Introducing a school community to SOLO Taxonomy (Biggs and Collis 1982) is a little like squeezing yourself into a Captain Kirk onesie and imagining yourself standing on the deck of the Enterprise. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek […]

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SOLO Hexagon Generator

January 19, 2013

I should be throwing black T-shirts into a bag before flying to Wellington for ICOT13 but I wanted to let you know that the first stage of the HookED SOLO Hexagon Generator app is live. The app allows teachers (and or students) to populate the SOLO hexagons with text, and generate a template for downloading […]

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