
Book Review: Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist

September 19, 2017

The New Zealand Science Teacher has just published a fabulous review of Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist: How to develop curious minds with the science capabilities. The modern learning environment is rich with information and opportunities for our students, but it is also a bewildering place of misinformation and pseudo-science. The greatest […]

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Making explanation visible with SOLO Taxonomy

June 25, 2017

I have recently enjoyed thinking with Derek Neve (Waimate High School) about the challenges in making “explanation” visible to senior secondary students (NCEA Levels 1 to 3). When visiting Waimate High School this term Derek challenged me to develop a visual SOLO map and rubric to support a deeper factorial and sequential explanation process than […]

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Sketching the New Zealand Curriculum

July 20, 2016

Embed from Getty Images Planning for successful learning is not unlike planning successful plays for team sports. I have a new creative project this year – I am sketching the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). One achievement objective at a time. Sketching ideas for learning, showing how they can be connected and extended is fun. It […]

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The Olympics and SOLO Taxonomy

July 17, 2016

Embed from Getty Images A question from Pete in New Zealand Hi Pam, Pete here from XXXX School. We are making a start on our plan for next term. We want to look at “success” as a concept and the challenges and opportunities in becoming successful… linking this to the Olympics and integrating the role […]

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SOLO Mapping the Science Capabilities

July 6, 2016

The New Zealand Curriculum Essence statement for science has a brusque confidence and certainty about it. The words know “how”, they know “when” and they know “why”. You can almost feel the words crossing arms with each other, locking hands in front and preparing to move across the river in a series of deliberate steps […]

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SOLO Scheme of Work: Science – Living Things and Life Processes

July 21, 2012

This science SoW from @Jamie_Venning uses SOLO Taxonomy to unpack learning intentions for Living Things and Life Processes. It provides a powerful and practical pedagogical example of how SOLO can make the success criteria for differentiated learning outcomes visible to students. You can read more about the author here y7 Living Things and Life Processes

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Retraction from Steve Martin

March 10, 2012

Steve Martin has said that his use of the Hooked on Thinking SOLO approach in his own classroom has been one of the most rewarding experiences in his teaching career. Article July 2012 – SteveMartinGazetteFocusCSJuly2012

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