
Update on Danish version of First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy

December 17, 2016

It is great to finish 2016 with a fab review. This one is for the Danish translation of “First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy.  Applying the model in your classroom.” Published by Dafolo. The review in Danish is featured in Læsepædagogen nr. 5/2016.  After describing the content the reviewer states: “I truly believe that many students […]

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From surface learning to deep learning in Denmark

June 4, 2016

Google Translate helps me make sense of the Danish text on my next conference flyer. Fra overfladelæring til dybdlæring med SOLO-taksonomien : From surface learning to deep learning with SOLO Taxonomy However, it is the cover art for the Dafolo flyer that captures my attention. I have never featured with an iceberg before. I have […]

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Great review for First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy

June 2, 2016

The Danish Library Center (DBC) has written a review of my “First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy” book – and it’s really good! ”Bogen har relevans for alle undervisere samt kommende undervisere. […] Det er en både interessant, inspirerende og spændende udgivelse med mange gode værktøjer til underviseres pædagogiske værktøjskasse. Der er et stort fokus på […]

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A Forward Foreword

January 7, 2016

John Hattie has written an awesome foreword for my first publication in 2016. I am starting 2016 with the launch of “SOLO-taksonomien i praksis” published by Dafolo, so John’s fabulous foreword is taking the classroom based use of SOLO Taxonomy forward into the new year. An English version of the foreword will be added to […]

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Metrics for the spread of a powerful idea (updated)

June 28, 2015

I came home after working in Christchurch with the Ōtākaro Cluster to find a package on my desk. It contained my author copies of Læringsmål og taksonomiske redskaber. The Danish contribution written by Bodil Nielsen, Annette Hildebrand Jensen, Lene Skovbo Heckmann , Victoria Grønning Iverssøn and Kirsten Frøhlich Well , with other chapters by James […]

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