7 4, 2012
The latest HookED SOLO Map the SOLO Describe ++ Map has been getting some great feedback from primary and secondary teachers alike. @arti_choke @NixRichardsbeen usingdescribe++ to death, backing up erg ideas behind critically evaluate and been getting wonderful work. — Kate Lefever (@kjlefever) July 2, 2012 Secondary teachers are commenting on the deeper insights and […]
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7 1, 2012
Learning intentions [verb] [content] [context] Learning Intention Generator — HookED via kwout The HookED Learning Intention Generator is used by teachers (and students doing inquiry/research) to effortlessly construct differentiated learning intentions (goals or tasks) at any level of SOLO. Unpacking a concept, achievement objective or achievement standard has never been easier. Why is this important? […]
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