
New HookED Resource – SOLO Maps and rubrics

February 20, 2022

SOLO Maps and Rubrics for using academic language (academic verbs) are now available as a free download from the HookED Free Resources Page. Redesigned by the inimitable Danish educator Tobias Jacoby, the editable maps and rubrics feature the clean lines and practical functionality of Danish design. They are available for download in MS PowerPoint or […]

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How to use SOLO Maps

October 2, 2017

I am doubly chuffed to report that the ever fabulous architect and designer Nick Denton has finished the last seven SOLO maps in the “How to … series” – of HookED SOLO Map animations. You can view the 14 SOLO Map animations playlist on my YouTube Channel . This body of work matters – is […]

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SOLO Spidergrams and Holistic Measures of Progress

September 20, 2017

Embed from Getty Images Monitoring holistic AND itemised assessment matters, but to paraphrase Chesterton: “Monitoring both holistic and atomised assessment has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” It is easy to come up with contexts where atomised assessment gives an unrealistic picture of student progress in the […]

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Remedies for Critical Thinking

July 1, 2016

RE: Remedies for Brain Workers wishing to avoid Brain Fag I have always enjoyed Michael Scriven’s take on critical thinking. In my opinion it is a reliable and valid remedy for Brain Workers wishing to avoid Brain Fag Critical thinking is skilled and active interpretation and evaluation of observations and communications, information and argumentation as […]

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When I look at SOLO learning intentions I see broccoli

July 4, 2013

I have been thinking about SOLO differentiated learning intentions, and all those other serial self-similar patterns of complexity in everyday life. When you divide a fractal pattern into parts you get a nearly identical but reduced in size copy of the whole. Creating SOLO differentiated success criteria for SOLO coded tasks (aka learning intentions) is […]

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Many ways to skin a cat.

March 26, 2013

Just thinking about SOLO Taxonomy and differentiation.

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