deep learning

Making explanation visible with SOLO Taxonomy

6 25, 2017

I have recently enjoyed thinking with Derek Neve (Waimate High School) about the challenges in making “explanation” visible to senior secondary students (NCEA Levels 1 to 3). When visiting Waimate High School this term Derek challenged me to develop a visual SOLO map and rubric to support a deeper factorial and sequential explanation process than […]

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SOLO Hexagons iPad App

6 19, 2017

Dead chuffed to announce that SOLO Hexagons has just been released on the Apple iPad Store. Love the versatility in new SOLO Hexagons App the team at CactusLab has developed earlier work by Dave Carpenter and have captured that sandpit pedagogy feel that makes SOLO Hexagons such a flexible strategy for shifting students from surface […]

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SOLO Hand Signs

9 21, 2016

SOLO Taxonomy hand signs are a powerfully simple way to watch thinking in action. These spontaneous gestures of thought are a learning strategy that helps students and teachers make sense of learning. In using gesture to represent increasing levels of cognitive complexity surface to deep to conceptual (transfer) outcomes SOLO hand signs have the potential […]

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Horses for courses

9 2, 2016

Embed from Getty Images Just as there are different horses for different courses so there are different learning strategies for different stages of the learning process A recent article by John Hattie and Gregory Donoghue (2016) uses meta-analyses, effect sizes and a more nuanced model of surface and deep understanding to look at learning strategies […]

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Essence of wet dog thinking

8 27, 2016

Embed from Getty Images Less is more thinking lies at the heart of a SOLO rubric. When we make the SOLO Taxonomy level of learning outcomes visible using text-based success criteria SOLO differentiated rubrics we show students that learning outcomes are malleable not fixed. They focus on the strategies that might help shift their learning […]

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5 Strategies for Deep Learning

8 21, 2016

Using SOLO Taxonomy as a model for surface and deep learning learning is a sandbox pedagogy. Embed from Getty Images Using SOLO helps create learning environments that are option rich collaborative, adaptable and much like a sandbox always open to the introduction of new possibilities and opportunities for deep learning. The following slides help summarise […]

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