3 23, 2018
Working with the Department of Education in Victoria has presented a number of adventures over the past three years. I used to think that nothing could trump the DET workshop with Shrek attending. Imagine pedagogical content knowledge required when Shrek is wkshop participant. #SOLOTaxonomy #Melbourne #forgetandragogy #embraceogregogy pic.twitter.com/fTfM1dzhuP — Pam Hook (@arti_choke) November 7, 2017 […]
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3 6, 2018
One of the best things about revisiting a place is the opportunity for extended conversation to deepen friendships. Life as a #SOLOTaxonomy jongleur never lacks excitement but its itinerant nature precludes many opportunities for the deeply textured conversations that happen when you sit down with people at the end of each day. Returning to Denmark […]
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