deep learning

SOLO Taxonomy at ESF in Hong Kong

5 28, 2018

Reflecting on the powerful examples of student learning using SOLO shared during my visit to Hong Kong last week Fractions explored through SOLO Hexagons thinking and student co-construction of SOLO rubrics just fabulous 🙂       Great two days in conversation with thoughtful educators inquiring into the effectiveness of using an explicit model of […]

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Learning how to put my face in the water

5 19, 2018

Or Chapter 4. How do you design rubrics to accompany the authentic assessment? Pam Hook There can be no more authentic task for a five year old than putting your face in the water when learning to swim. The indispensable conditions for improvement are that the student comes to hold a concept of quality roughly […]

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Extended abstract in Melbourne

3 23, 2018

Working with the Department of Education in Victoria has presented a number of adventures over the past three years. I used to think that nothing could trump the DET workshop with Shrek attending. Imagine pedagogical content knowledge required when Shrek is wkshop participant. #SOLOTaxonomy #Melbourne #forgetandragogy #embraceogregogy — Pam Hook (@arti_choke) November 7, 2017 […]

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Tobias and those Danish verbs

3 6, 2018

One of the best things about revisiting a place is the opportunity for extended conversation to deepen friendships. Life as a #SOLOTaxonomy jongleur never lacks excitement but its itinerant nature precludes many opportunities for the deeply textured conversations that happen when you sit down with people at the end of each day. Returning to Denmark […]

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Master classes in Melbourne

2 22, 2018

Surface to deep learning with SOLO Taxonomy. The SOLO Taxonomy (Biggs & Collis 1982) has provided a valuable vehicle to identify and support deep learning opportunities in many NPDL schools. It has shown the relationship between surface and deep learning and the importance of scaffolding learning for both. I am excited to be returning to […]

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How to use SOLO Maps

10 2, 2017

I am doubly chuffed to report that the ever fabulous architect and designer Nick Denton has finished the last seven SOLO maps in the How to … series of HookED SOLO Map animations. You can view the 14 SOLO Map animations playlist on my YouTube Channel . This body of work matters is going to […]

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SOLO Spidergrams and Holistic Measures of Progress

9 20, 2017

Embed from Getty Images Monitoring holistic AND itemised assessment matters, but to paraphrase Chesterton: Monitoring both holistic and atomised assessment has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried. It is easy to come up with contexts where atomised assessment gives an unrealistic picture of student progress in the […]

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Book Review: Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist

9 19, 2017

The New Zealand Science Teacher has just published a fabulous review of Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist: How to develop curious minds with the science capabilities. The modern learning environment is rich with information and opportunities for our students, but it is also a bewildering place of misinformation and pseudo-science. The greatest […]

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The importance of WHY?

8 15, 2017

Embed from Getty Images Thinking about discourse analysis and the importance of WHY The secondary literacy community has been talking about why and where it might fit with SOLO Taxonomy. Ive tried to play but it seems that my attempts to join in disappear in moderation and my passwords never let me pass. Is easier […]

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Swings and Roundabouts and SOLO Taxonomy

6 30, 2017

Hook and Casse have nailed it! Working with early childhood educators this week reminded me of the great review we got for SOLO Taxonomy in the Early Years -Making connections for belonging, being and becoming. The book was co-authored with that fabulous early years teacher Bridget Casse Using SOLO Taxonomy as a model, young learners […]

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