
SOLO Taxonomy in Learning Support

October 3, 2015

“SOLO helps us think out of school. It helps us think differently for later life.” Student in Year 9 Learning Support Class at Lincoln High School SOLO Taxonomy as a simple and powerful model of learning that keeps the focus firmly on the learning outcome and next steps for learning. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) […]

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Why learning with SOLO Taxonomy is like licking ice cream

June 30, 2015

View image | I often describe learning with SOLO as like licking an infinitely tall ice cream cone – the gradual and cumulative process of removing melting ice cream dribbles continues around and around and around the cone. In a similar way learning with SOLO never stops – when you reach extended abstract for […]

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Metrics for the spread of a powerful idea (updated)

June 28, 2015

I came home after working in Christchurch with the Ōtākaro Cluster to find a package on my desk. It contained my author copies of Læringsmål og taksonomiske redskaber. The Danish contribution written by Bodil Nielsen, Annette Hildebrand Jensen, Lene Skovbo Heckmann , Victoria Grønning Iverssøn and Kirsten Frøhlich Well , with other chapters by James […]

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When a hashtag IS your collaborative network

May 3, 2015

Dead chuffed this month to share the results of an online connection and collaboration with two fab UK educators – Simon Wall and Rob Manger. I have never met Simon and Rob, never talked to Simon and Rob and would not recognise them if I waited with them at the deli counter in my local […]

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First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy – applying the model in your classroom.

March 12, 2015

I have just seen the flyer for the latest book on SOLO Taxonomy – First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy – Applying the model in your classroom. It is a timely release – First steps and next steps.  There have been so many new developments and opportunities since I wrote the first two books in 2011 […]

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Unboxing SOLO Taxonomy in Mathematics

November 4, 2014

As anyone who reads Artichoke will attest – unboxing PIG was exciting – and I am happy to report that he has quickly settled into life in the corridor and is keeping a steadfast and focused snout on my desk from his perch on top of Quoll (Tasmanian). Unboxing PIG proved a useful dry run […]

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Målstyret undervisning og taksonomier (Goal-oriented Teaching and Taxonomies).

June 11, 2014

I love my job. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities. Recently I was invited to contribute a chapter on SOLO Taxonomy to a new Danish anthology exploring goal-oriented teaching and taxonomies. The context of the anthology is primary and lower secondary school in Denmark, so you are writing to teachers, school leaders, consultants and […]

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I was only five and armed with an “egg” and a spoon.

September 27, 2013

It can be hard to remember your first learning experiences. At five I remember determinedly studying the points of difference between “was” and “saw” on small pieces of card when I was learning to read. I remember my teacher climbing onto the piano to staple a poster to the wall (and instead staple her fingers […]

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You could describe George as an expert scone eater …

May 5, 2013

I am writing this on a bleak Sunday night in the ‘Tron and posting via a dodgy internet connection that only works when I nudge up against the hotel room window. And yet the circumstances cannot dampen the raw excitement I feel about George. Firstly because I am at last smart enough to spell his […]

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SOLO Taxonomy in the Early Years. Making connections for belonging, being, and becoming.

February 8, 2013

“It helps us to learn. It helps you to think and do a few things that you want to do. Because it helps you connect ideas and learn to think in your head.” Year 1 student, Halsey Drive School, New Zealand. Is fabulous to see the latest SOLO book – SOLO Taxonomy in the Early […]

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