
Making explanation visible with SOLO Taxonomy

6 25, 2017

I have recently enjoyed thinking with Derek Neve (Waimate High School) about the challenges in making “explanation” visible to senior secondary students (NCEA Levels 1 to 3). When visiting Waimate High School this term Derek challenged me to develop a visual SOLO map and rubric to support a deeper factorial and sequential explanation process than […]

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SOLO Taxonomy and Making Meaning Bk 1, 2 and 3.

11 24, 2012

I met with the fabulous Liz McNeill when I was working in Christchurch this week we have recently co-authored three new secondary English resource books the SOLO Taxonomy and Making Meaning series using Google docs. We created and proofed the three manuscripts working from Christchurch and Auckland respectively Google docs, email and the occasional txt […]

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