Essential Resources

New Ways of Thinking about the Science Capabilities

6 27, 2017

A new book is always a moment of celebration a marking of a collaboration stuffed with many examples of how to think with the science capabilities in the context of the material world. Hook, P., and Tolhoek, W. (2017). Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist. How to develop curious minds with the science […]

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SOLO Taxonomy in Learning Support

10 3, 2015

SOLO helps us think out of school. It helps us think differently for later life. Student in Year 9 Learning Support Class at Lincoln High School SOLO Taxonomy as a simple and powerful model of learning that keeps the focus firmly on the learning outcome and next steps for learning. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) […]

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Metrics for the spread of a powerful idea (updated)

6 28, 2015

I came home after working in Christchurch with the Ōtākaro Cluster to find a package on my desk. It contained my author copies of Læringsmål og taksonomiske redskaber. The Danish contribution written by Bodil Nielsen, Annette Hildebrand Jensen, Lene Skovbo Heckmann , Victoria Grønning Iverssøn and Kirsten Frøhlich Well , with other chapters by James […]

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First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy applying the model in your classroom.

3 12, 2015

I have just seen the flyer for the latest book on SOLO Taxonomy First Steps with SOLO Taxonomy Applying the model in your classroom. It is a timely release First steps and next steps.  There have been so many new developments and opportunities since I wrote the first two books in 2011 and 2012 that […]

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(English) Unboxing SOLO Taxonomy in Mathematics

11 4, 2014

申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 English のみです。

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(English) I was only five and armed with an “egg” and a spoon.

9 27, 2013

申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 English のみです。

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You could describe George as an expert scone eater …

5 5, 2013

I am writing this on a bleak Sunday night in the ‘Tron and posting via a dodgy internet connection that only works when I nudge up against the hotel room window. And yet the circumstances cannot dampen the raw excitement I feel about George. Firstly because I am at last smart enough to spell his […]

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SOLO Taxonomy and Making Meaning Bk 1, 2 and 3.

11 24, 2012

I met with the fabulous Liz McNeill when I was working in Christchurch this week we have recently co-authored three new secondary English resource books the SOLO Taxonomy and Making Meaning series using Google docs. We created and proofed the three manuscripts working from Christchurch and Auckland respectively Google docs, email and the occasional txt […]

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Launching SOLO Taxonomy: A Guide for Schools

10 21, 2011

Launching SOLO Taxonomy: A Guide For Schools Book 1 at the ULearn11 conference in Rotorua was a wonderfully comedic occasion. The book was stunning the publisher Essential Resources had done a wonderful job in a very tight time-frame and I was especially chuffed that Professor John Biggs had critiqued the book and sent his personal […]

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