
How to introduce SOLO Taxonomy

juillet 22, 2013

Introducing a school community to SOLO Taxonomy (Biggs and Collis 1982) is a little like squeezing yourself into a Captain Kirk onesie and imagining yourself standing on the deck of the Enterprise. “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek […]

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HookED Describe Plus Plus Map Posters

juillet 21, 2013

They call it “the one map to rule them all” or “the exploded describe map” Wellington designer Nick Denton has captured the power and the presence of the HookED SOLO Describe ++ Map in his latest SOLO poster designs. I am delighted to report that two versions of these posters are now available for purchase […]

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Models, representation, mockeries, simulations, simulacra and SOLO Taxonomy.

juillet 7, 2013

On Exactitude in Science . . . In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the map of the Empire, the entirety of a Province. In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guilds struck a […]

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When I look at SOLO learning intentions I see broccoli

juillet 4, 2013

I have been thinking about SOLO differentiated learning intentions, and all those other serial self-similar patterns of complexity in everyday life. When you divide a fractal pattern into parts you get a nearly identical but reduced in size copy of the whole. Creating SOLO differentiated success criteria for SOLO coded tasks (aka learning intentions) is […]

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Feel the burn: Give yourself a SOLO cognitive workout

juin 26, 2013

Nicola Richards (a fabulous PE educator in Christchurch) and I recently co-authored the latest SOLO resource – this one supports teachers charged with helping students think more deeply in movement contexts in physical education. Our typescript has gone to the publishers but the ideas around movement contexts remain firmly lodged in cracks and crevices in […]

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You could describe George as an expert scone eater …

mai 5, 2013

I am writing this on a bleak Sunday night in the ‘Tron and posting via a dodgy internet connection that only works when I nudge up against the hotel room window. And yet the circumstances cannot dampen the raw excitement I feel about George. Firstly because I am at last smart enough to spell his […]

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Many ways to skin a cat.

mars 26, 2013

Just thinking about SOLO Taxonomy and differentiation.

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It is a Nick Denton design – unpacking the art in SOLO.

février 18, 2013

I commissioned the talented young Wellington designer Nick Denton to explore visual ways of representing SOLO Taxonomy to students – I wanted something a little different from the usual “this is a classroom resource poster” – something that captured both the eye and the imagination of young learners – something powerful and beautiful. Nick worked […]

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SOLO Taxonomy in the Early Years. Making connections for belonging, being, and becoming.

février 8, 2013

“It helps us to learn. It helps you to think and do a few things that you want to do. Because it helps you connect ideas and learn to think in your head.” Year 1 student, Halsey Drive School, New Zealand. Is fabulous to see the latest SOLO book – SOLO Taxonomy in the Early […]

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SOLO Taxonomy: Making Meaning at ICOT13

janvier 22, 2013

Liz and I will be presenting at The Sixteenth International Conference on Thinking this afternoon. We are talking about how SOLO Taxonomy can be used to deepen understanding when making meaning of ideas and information through reading , listening and viewing. (Secondary English). You might like to see what we will be sharing with conference […]

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