Web2.0 and SOLO Taxonomy

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How a Web2.0 application can be used to enhance differentiated learning outcomes (SOLO)

Web2.0 Applications

  File:Web2.0 and Student Learning.pdf

For example, what is proficient use of del.icio.us social bookmarking?

Mike Caulfield suggests

Planning learning experiences against differentiated learning outcomes (SOLO coded) using Web2.0 Applications

Planning Learning Experiences coded against Student Learning Outcomes using Web2.0 Applications

Student Learning Outcomes - Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes - SOLO Taxonomy

Learning outcomes show unconnected information, no organisation. Task not attacked in appropriate way

Learning outcomes show connections are made, but significance to overall meaning is missing/ Learning outcomes show simple connections but importance not noted.

Learning outcomes show full connections made, and synthesis of parts to the overall meaning

Learning outcomes go beyond subject and makes links to other concepts - generalises





Extended Abstract

No prior knowledge

BLOOMS: Remembering and Understanding

Bringing in ideas: Identify/ Label/ List/ Define/ Describe/ Retell/ Recall/ Recite/

BLOOMS: Analyse and Apply

Linking ideas: Compare/ Contrast/ Causal/ Sequence/ Classify/ Part whole/ Explain/ Classify/Questioning

BLOOMS: Create and Evaluate

Putting linked ideas in another context: Predict/ Hypothesise/ Generalise/ Imagine/ Reflect/ Evaluate/ Create

Social Bookmarking

e.g. Del.icio.us del.icio.us/ StumbleUpon www.stumbleupon.com/ Ma.gnolia, Furl, Clipmarks

Student uses del.icio.us like Google. Executes sequential searches, retrieves docs, reads. MC

Student/Teacher saves favourites on own web browser

Student starts to navigate del.icio.us with intuitive sense that a) reputation matters, b) examining a person's terms helps one to refine, c) you want to alternate between seeing what a person points to, and what people point to an item, and d) you learn more from looking at the small number of people pointing to an esoteric item than you do from a large number of people pointing to popular item. MC

Student/Teacher uses del.icio.us to search for and to save favourite reference sites for their research context.

Basically the above, but understanding the fuller context: That we find people through common interest, then expand our range by looking at the other things these people like. MC

Student/Teacher uses del.icio.us to serach for and save favourite reference/ research sites and classifies these using key word tags.

Student/Teacher uses del.icio.us tags to further sort favourite research sites by tags that sequence (timeline), compare (similar and different viewpoints), identify cause and effect, or part whole analysis

Student can articulate how such things have always been true in the physical world -- one is attracted to friends because of shared like of a musical artist, which leads to trying out other artists that person likes. Student can see how del.icio.us is similar to MySpace and Facebook, and how it is different. Student can identify potential pitfalls (group think? cultism?) of networked reference sites, and develop strategies that work across multiple domains. MC

Student/Teacher uses patterns identified within their del.icio.us tagged resources and those of others to make generalisations, predictions and to evaluate the big ideas in their research sites and double tag these accordingly

Student/Teacher identifies tag related criteria for assessing the reliability and validity of their del.icio.us tagged resources - based upon what a person points to and what people point to an item

Collaborative authorship

[text, concept mapping, spreadsheets, timelines]

Google Docs and spreadsheets docs.google.com,

GLIFFY www.gliffy.com

C Map http://cmap.ihmc.us

Mayomi mindmapper - http://www.mayomi.com

Wikis like WetPaint www.wetpaint.com pbwiki pbwiki.com/ Wikipedia/


Editgrid www.editgrid.com/home

Wufoo www.wufoo.com

XTimeline http://xtimeline.com/

Student/Teacher uses Google Docs like Microsoft Word. Creating a single authored document online.

Student/Teacher uses Google Docs to invite others to read the document online and offer their feedback.

Student/Teacher uses Google docs to multi author the document. To test their ideas against the ideas of others - inviting others to analyse and edit the text to contribute different points of view, different frames of reference, to find weaknesses and to undermine what is written.

Student/Teacher uses Google docs to collaborate with others to interrogate and evaluate the ideas contributed to co-create new thinking that offers prediction/generalisation and reflection.

Image Sharing

E.g. Flickr www.flickr.com Picasa picasa.google.com/ Slide/ Zoto/


Calendar Sharing

E.g. Google calendar/ Yahoo! calendar/

Student/Teacher uses Google calendar like a desktop calendar. Creating a single authored calendar online.

Student/Teacher uses Google Docs to invite others to refer to the calendar online and if necessary make changes to their own calendars.

Student/Teacher uses Google calendar to be shared/ viewed/merged with other Google calendars. 

Student/Teacher co-creates a calendar with others.

Video sharing

E.g. YouTube youtube.com / Dailymotion www.dailymotion.com/us/ TeacherTube


Book Sharing

e.g. LibraryThing


Voice sharing -


E.g. Odeo odeo.com

Podomatic www.podomatic.com

VoiceThread http://voicethread.com/

Student/Teacher uses VoiceThread like a self authored annotated resource

Student/Teacher uses VoiceThread like a self authored/self annotated resource that can be viewed by others

Student/Teacher invites selected others to share VoiceThread authoring/annotation to co-create a resource that can be viewed by others

Authoring/annotation targets definition and description

Student/Teacher invites selected others to share VoiceThread authoring/annotation to co-create a resource that can be viewed by others

Authoring/ annotation creates new ideas by targetting authoring responses that sequence, compare and contrast, do causal explanation, classification and/or offer response to the annotations of others

Student/Teacher allows others to share VoiceThread authoring/annotation to co-create a resource that can be viewed and further annotated by others

Authoring/ annotation creates new ideas by targetting authoring responses that evaluate, predict, generalise and/or offer an evaluative/reflective response to the annotations of others

Presentation sharing

E.g. SlideShare http://www.slideshare.net/


Social Networking individual/group

E.g. FaceBook www.facebook.com/ MySpace www.myspace.com

Bebo www.bebo.com

Ning www.ning.com


Communication text

E.g. Meebo, Twitter twitter.com


Communication Voice

E.g. Skype, Google Talk





RSS Feeds

E.g. Technorati/ Bloglines


Digital storage and remote access

E.g. Omnidrive www.omnidrive.com



Geographical Mapping

E.g. Google Maps maps.google.com

Frappr www.frappr.com



E.g. Rollyo www.rollyo.com


Customisable Start Pages

E.g. Netvibes www.netvibes.com

Pageflakes www.pageflakes.com

Personal tools