Using ICTs and SOLO Taxonomy

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How an ICT application can be used to enhance differentiated learning outcomes (SOLO)

ICT Applications


Planning learning experiences against differentiated learning outcomes (SOLO coded) using ICT interventions


Scratch (MIT)


[[File:|43x65px|external image clip_image006.gif]]
Extended abstract
I need help to identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns 
I can identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns and a simple angle (e.g. right angle) 
I can identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns and angles (e.g right angle, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60) 
I can identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns and simple angles (e.g. right angle, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60) AND measure, order and compare angleswith for example right angles to create reflection, rotation and translation. 
I can identify clockwise and anticlockwise turns and simple angles (right angle, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60) measure, order and compare angles with right angles AND estimate and predict angles in a triangle, angles around a point, vertically opposed angles . 

I can create an animation in Scratch where the avatar turns clockwise and anticlockwise and has a motion path that makes a right angle turn. 
I can create an animation in Scratch where the avatar turns clockwise and anticlockwise and has a motion path that makes a right angle turn, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, and full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60. 
I can create an animation in Scratch where the avatar turns clockwise and anticlockwise and has a motion path that makes a right angle turn, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, and full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60. AND measure, order and or compare angles with for example right angles to create motion paths for reflection, rotation and translation. 
I can create an animation in Scratch where the avatar turns clockwise and anticlockwise and has a motion path that makes a right angle turn, acute, obtuse, straight angle, reflex angle, and full turn – or 90, 180, 30, 45, 60. AND measure, order and or compare angles with for example right angles to create motion paths for reflection, rotation and translation. AND estimate and predict angles or a sequence of angles to create animation special effects 

Student Exemplar:(insert link to student Scratch project here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project here) 

I can identify the clockwise and anticlockwise turns and the right angle used in the Scratch animation motion path and describe the movement of the avatar in terms of rotation.. 
I can identify the angles used in the Scratch animation path and describe the movement of the avatar in terms of reflection, rotation and translation. 
I can explain using the appropriate language of angle names, degrees, measurement, order and comparison why the angles were chosen to create the Scratch animation effect used for reflection, rotation and translation. 
I can predict using the appropriate language of angle names, degrees, measurement, order and comparison how to use angles to create a special Scratch animation effects showing reflection, rotation, translation. 

Student Exemplar:(insert link to student Scratch project reflection here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project reflection here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project reflection here) 
Student Exemplar: (insert link to student Scratch project reflection here) 


 Year 7 Kahootz Create the ending to a story.pdf

Year 7 Create the ending to a story [using Kahootz]

Extended Abstract
I need help to develop a central idea/theme for my story animation 
I have an idea for my story animation. 
I have a central idea/theme for my story animation and I have several ideas to develop this. 
I have a central idea/theme for my story animation, several ideas to develop this and I can explain how these ideas will develop the central idea

I have a central idea/theme for my story animation, several ideas to develop this and I can explain how these ideas will develop the central idea. I have created key events, characters and settings in my story to develop a logical story with a clear central idea/theme. 
World/s and Objects
I need help to use world/s and objects in my story 
I use simple world/s or objects in my story

I use simple world/s AND objects in my story.

I use scenes and resize objects to add interest. 

animate a variety of world/s and objects and can explain why this develops my central idea.

I use animation and key points that play automatically to make my story interesting to watch 

I animate variety of worlds and objects, can explain why and evaluate how effective this has been in developing my central idea.

My story ‘shows’ the reader what is happening, rather than just ‘telling’ them. 

I need help to organise my ideas into a sequence.

I need help to use structures/effects to make my story interesting to view. 

I have started to organise my story ideas, but my sequencing needs more work.

I use one structure/effect to make my story interesting to view 

My story ideas are ordered into a beginning, middle and end.

I use several structure/effect to make my story interesting to view 

My story ideas are ordered and linked and I can explain how these links make my story animation flow in a logical way.

I use a variety of structures/effects to make my story animation interesting to view. I can explain why I have chosen them. 

My story ideas are ordered are linked and I can explain how these links make my story animation flow in a logical way. My sequence of ideas is balanced and well-paced.

I use a variety of structures/effects to make my story animation interesting to view. I can explain why I have chosen them and evaluate the impact they give to my story animation. 


I need help to proofread the elements in my storyboard 
My storyboard has a number of errors 
My storyboard has some errors to correct. 
My storyboard is mostly accurate but I can identify a few errors and explain why they need to be corrected. 
My storyboard is accurate. I have corrected all the errors so that it is easy to view. 

MS Word

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural

Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Create a research table for students to cut and paste their research into - first column open for categories (a tentative classification of topic) - second column for content text discovered - third column site url and date accessed- this allows students to better cite sources when creating references - to pick up conflicting ideas and to discover and refine the key word classification of their search in response to their initial question (also can use Excel for this with older kids)
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract

MS Excel

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural

Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
See table for research in Word above
Graphs:Use to plot changes over time in science
Maths: collect statistical information and draw conclusions
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Reflect on action to be taken - draw generalisations supported by statistically reliable data profiles

MS PowerPoint

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Collect images/ quotes to introduce new topic or vocabulary

Running ‘computer & projector’ continually in your classroom.
Can be used as a notice board or to inform the class of the terms topics, units or requirements, homework, class work … etc etc
I use this system for everything. For example, instead of brainstorming on the board I brain storm on word through the projector and then any one who is away can access the power point a print the work off.
The great thing about this is that I also use a wireless mouse and keyboard and can add to the power point from anywhere in the room. I don’t have to be at the front of the class room and can even be working with a small group!!
Ideally the computer should be hooked up to the internet as well and the tool is hugely powerful for just about everything!!

Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Action buttons with hyperlinks to alternative points of view
Use insert charts for stepping out classification and sequence thinking
Use motion path to animate objects to show steps in sequence - sports skills/ process in technology.
Presentation of factual information; can be used for compare and contrast of ideas. Sound clips recorded and edited in Audacity (sound program) are easily inserted to give spoken information as support to visual.
Animation paths for sequencing or classification
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Performance for understanding

Inspiration Mapping

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Brainstorm ideas (rapid fire tool)
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Record P4C class discussion and initial individual student contributions
View the brainstormed ideas and reorganise them - by moving or colouring or changing links - group classify

View the discussion transcript and categorise themes/ ethical positions taken.
Use double bubble thinking map to deepen thinking-show similarities, differences/comparisons
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Reflect on what you find- draw inferences; ask further questions

Kidspiration Mapping

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural

Linking ideas
SOLO Relational

Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract

MS Photostory3

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural
Take photos
Download photos from camera to resources.
Save photos
Find photos on intranet
Import photos
Select multiple images
Arrange photos on timeline
Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Collect images/ quotes to introduce new topic or vocabulary. Retell events.
Use photostory to bring in new visual and text ideas. Collect new ideas.
Eg. Native birds labelled
Trip photos labelled
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Can be used to analyse events/connections in visual form. This can be used to reflect visually, orally (recorded). Text can also be applied.
Sequence images or ideas eg. Technological process
Classify/group images related to topic
Capture questions for interviewing different people/situations.
Take pictures of whole and the important parts and text contributing to how this contributed to the whole, eg. Photo of the school and then pictures of important people
Eg. Photo of event or situation or work of art then look at different parts or show different peoples perspectives eg. Animal + close ups of features and explain adaptations
Visual links
Cause – give children a photo of a situation and ask children to go and take photos that cause this, eg, chaos at the school gate, what causes this? Photo of actual image, role play.
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Performance for understanding
Create something new to show your understanding.
Create a future, what would happen next?
Personal reflection, include new creation with what you found hard.
Poetic writing – one line of text with each image, present their poetic writing.

Kidpix Colour Magic

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural
Learn the basic mechanics of the school network and relevant programmes in a given context.(applicable to any basic software)
Draw picture/basic text/save/retrieving/print. Include as portfolio sample.
Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Use ICT skills to retell, recall, identify, ideas as pictures, related to current learning context e.g richtask, literacy and P4C. More advanced drawing/editing/text. E.G. Draw a character from a reader, add a speech bubble
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Animated storytelling
Sequence events
Add photos
Record points of view
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract

Comic Life

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Retelling a story/ Following an algorithm
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Sequencing events
Ranking - sorting most appropriate images taken on a school trip to communicate idea like Costa'sHabit of Mind or Key Competency Managing Self
Annotating the images of others to elaborate an idea
Other points of view - fill in text boxes from the perspective of the land owner or the conservationist and then compare the strips
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Reflection on Science Fair inclusive of photos
Create own narrative
What if imaginings

MS FrontPage

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Recalling ideas
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Classification (architecture of web page linking) to design site to best/ logically communicate ideas
Hyperlinking to other websites with related websites.
Linking pages
Quizzes and questions linked to relevant page
Create two sides others points of view.
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract

I can animate

(stop frame animation)

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Isolating what is important
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Great for group collaborative skills
Sequencing-undertsand storyboarding
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Purpose of message-nothing extraneous - abstraction/ generalisation/ essential ideas
Great for Persistence Habit of mind and attention to detail.
Can be imported into iMovie and edited further.


How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural
Define message and footage or still photos needed
Linking ideas
SOLO Relational
Writing/Visual lang: merging poetry with images-integrated with topic (Chn type poems using scrolling block over image; use special effects)
Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
Use to inform/persuade an audience (ENPS Walking Maps/Buses)
Use to isolate controversies and insights (ENPS Childhood/ Natural Disasters/Marine Units)

Your application

How to integrate ICTs to enhance the conditions for differentiated learning outcomes
No idea
SOLO Prestructural

Bringing in Ideas
SOLO Uni /multi structural

Linking ideas
SOLO Relational

Taking linked ideas into another context
SOLO Extended abstract
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