ICT Apps and SOLO Taxonomy

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ICT Apps for Different Learning Outcomes (SOLO Taxonomy)
ICT Apps for Different Learning Outcomes (SOLO Taxonomy)

Revision as of 02:40, 22 January 2012

ICT Apps for Different Learning Outcomes (SOLO Taxonomy)


Bringing in Knowledge - Multistructural Outcome

ICT to enhance the conditions of value for bringing in and recording ideas
(i.e. define, describe, list, name, label)

If you learning intention involves the collection and clarifying of knowledge, ICTs and Web2.0 applications can help. For example, directories/ search engines, Google map; concept mapping; word processing; databases/ spread sheets; environmental probes Web 2.0 based: image storing, word processing, social bookmarking, captioning, ”to do” lists, notetaking, calendars, group mapping, aggregators, RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, forums, synchronous/synchronous communication, Twitter, peer to peer networks, podcasting, SMS text, ism, email, fax, telephone, listservs, newsgroups, annotating images, slideshows, text, media;

Kid Friendly Search Engines

Google for Kids
Quintura Visual Search Engine
Kids Quintura Visual Search Engine for kids
Google for Kids
Ask for Kids
AOL Kids
Cyber Sleuth Kids
Open Directory Kids and Teens
Kids Click
Yahoo Kids

Awesome Library

Wikipedia for Schools

2007 Schools Wikipedia Selection.

Ten awesome tools to get more out of Wikipedia

Search Engines for Teachers


Everything else

National Geographic Kids
National Geographic
How stuff works
NASA for kids
Earthcam Webcams for Kids
Frankin Institute Resources for Science Learning
American Library Association Sites for Kids
Kids Online Resources
Kids Health
PBS Kids
Neuoroscience for Kids

The Why Files - science behind the news

100 Top Kid Sites
Sea World Animal Information Database
Animal Search
Ivy's Colouring Page Search Engine

Encyclopedia .com
SmartHistory - a multimedia webbook - Online Art History Textbook come conversation
The History Channel
Poetry Archive
Internet archive
Scientific American
Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Barcelona 1908
Federal Resources for Educational excellence


Rhyme Zone - rhyming dictionary
Information about words
Word Central - Build your own dictionary


Discover Data


Meriam Websters Maps
World mapper
Atlapedia Online
National Geographic - Xpedition Atlas

New Zealand Sites

Publications New Zealand http://publicationsnz.natlib.govt.nz/ is a new beta website of the publicly accessible record of New Zealand publications from the National Library.
Te Ara http://www.teara.govt.nz/ – Encyclopedia of New Zealand
The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre http://www.nzetc.org/ - Free online archive of New Zealand and Pacific Islands texts and heritage materials, which offers an ever expanding, fully searchable, set of images and full-text books, manuscripts and journals
New Zealand History Online http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/
NZ Research NZ http://nzresearch.org.nz/ Open-access research documents produced at universities, polytechnics, and other research institutions throughout New Zealand.//
The New Zealand Film Archive http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/index.php
TVNZ On Demand Classics http://tvnzondemand.co.nz/search/ondemand_shows_skin?k=classics&ct=episode&l=500 Early New Zealand film archives
Radio with pictures http://tvnzondemand.co.nz/content/radio_with_pictures_christchurch_rockscene/onde Early New Zealand sound archives//
Matapihi http://www.matapihi.org.nz/
Learnz: http://www.learnz.org.nz/ Virtual learning tours; strong conservation topics
Local History Online http://www.localhistoryonline.org.nz/cgi-bin/PUI
Auckland Public Library http://www.aucklandcitylibraries.com/
Auckland Museum Library http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/
Auckland Museum Library Catalogue Online http://muse.aucklandmuseum.com/databases/general/basicsearch.aspx?dataset=Muscat
Devonport Historical Museum http://www.devonportmuseum.org.nz/
National Library of New Zealand http://www.natlib.govt.nz/
Archives New Zealand http://www.archives.govt.nz/
PapersPast http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
Timeframes http://timeframes.natlib.govt.nz/
Memorials http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/culture/the-memorials-register
Army Museum Waiouru http://www.armymuseum.co.nz
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/
When the Siren Goes- Radio NZ Series Disasters in New Zealand http://www.radionz.co.nz/specialfeatures/whenthesirengoes
Digital New Zealand http://www.digitalnz.org/

Earthquake Resources from From Jane Hornibrook//
High quality aerial images of Christchurch following the devastating February 6.3 magnitude earthquake have [[@[http:www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-earthquake/4809621/High-quality-aerial-pictures-of-Christchurch-available|been http:www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-earthquake/4809621/High-quality-aerial-pictures-of-Christchurch-available|been] made available]] on the [[@[1]] http://koordinates.com/layer/3185-christchurch-post-earthquake-aerial-photos-24-feb-2011/%7CKoordinates]]] platform under a [[@http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/nz/deed.en|Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence]].//
The images were produced by [[@[http:www.nzam.com/default.asp|New http:www.nzam.com/default.asp|New] Zealand Aerial Mapping (NZAM)]] for [[@http://www.linz.govt.nz/index.aspx|Land Information New Zealand]]. Their birds-eye view perspective of the area helped Christchurch Police, Civil Defence, and other emergency services asses damage.//
The Creative Commons [[@[http:creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/nz/deed.en|licence]] http:creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/nz/deed.en|licence]]] attached to their public release allows anyone to legally copy, share, and adapt the imagery as long as they attribute the source.//
The move to make public sector materials available under an open access option such as the Creative Commons Attribution licence is in line with the [[@[http:www.e.govt.nz/policy/nzgoal|New http:www.e.govt.nz/policy/nzgoal|New] Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing Framework]]. This framework provides guidance for agencies when releasing copyright works and non-copyright material for re-use by third parties (the public), and was approved by Cabinet last July.//
Earlier this week [[@[http:www.creativecommons.org.nz/www.civildefence.govt.nz|Civil http:www.creativecommons.org.nz/www.civildefence.govt.nz|Civil] Defence]] released some [[@http://nbr.co.nz/article/video-central-christchurch-two-weeks-after-quake-ck-88665|inner city footage]] for screening at memorial events under a Creative Commons Attribution licence also. The [[@http://www.creativecommons.org.nz/www.nzdf.mil.nz/%20|NZ Defence Force]] are following suit by making their [[@http://www.flickr.com/photos/nzdefenceforce/|collections of recent photos]], many of Christchurch, Creative Commons Attribution via a Flickr stream.//
The non government project '[[@[http:eq.org.nz/|Christchurch http:eq.org.nz/|Christchurch] Recovery Map]]' has also taken up the Creative Commons movement surrounding the February events. It's open and crowd-sourced map application of damage and relief reports throughout the city provided an API function and map images available under the Attribution licence.//
// ===Te Reo=== // //
[[@[2]] http://www.maoridictionary.co.nz/]]] //
[[@[http:www.learningmedia.co.nz/ngata/]] http:www.learningmedia.co.nz/ngata/]]]//
[[@[3]]// http://tewhanake.otago.ac.nz/kakano/modules/module01/movie.html]]</span>//]
[[@[http:tereomaori.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning]]// http:tereomaori.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning]]//]
[[@[http:hereoora.tki.org.nz/]] http:hereoora.tki.org.nz/]]] Te reo Māori resource for Y1-6//
[[@[http:www.maorilanguage.net/]]// http:www.maorilanguage.net/]]//]
[[@[http:www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz/english/index.shtml]]// http:www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz/english/index.shtml]]//]
[[@[http:www.korero.maori.nz/home.html]]// http:www.korero.maori.nz/home.html]]//]
[[@[http:www.tki.org.nz/r/language/lls/wehi/index_e.php]] http:www.tki.org.nz/r/language/lls/wehi/index_e.php]]] Te reo Māori resource for Y7-8//
[[@[http:www.youtube.com/user/TalkMaori]] http:www.youtube.com/user/TalkMaori]]] You Tube clips to learn te reo Māori//

=== === // //

Text Conversion

pdf to word convertor//
// ===Unit Conversion=== // // ===Currency Conversion=== // //

===Translation=== //
Yahoo Babel Fish//
Google Translate//
// ===ESOL Resources=== // Shahi Visual Online Dictionary//
The Children's Digital Library http://en.childrenslibrary.org///
100 Best Resources and Guides for ESOL Teachers http://www.teachingtips.com/blog/2008/06/24/100-best-resources-and-guides-for-esl-teachers/


Flickr (check the Creative Commons box at the bottom)//
Shahi Visual Online Dictionary//
Pics for Learning//
Royalty-free images, movies and audio files
Open Clipart Library
Geograph British Isles
Wikimedia Commons//
Search Engine Journal collection of 10 Places to Find Free Image,
Find Free Images Online (Hey Jude Blog)//
10 links to cool, high-rez images Presentation Zen
Idee Inc - Piximilar//
1. Piximilar Visual Search Lab//
Use visual search to search a 3 million image collection
2. Multicolour Search//
Use multicolour search to navigate multi-million image collections
Photobucket Online Image Hosting//
How to use Photobucket//


Jamendo - copyright free music for students
Royalty Free Music
CC Mixter SamplesJamendo
Internet Archive
Owl Music SearchSpinXpress Wikimedia Commons//
Vocaroo Simple voice recorder - allows students to record and send their voice//
Voice Thread//

===Video=== // MOD Films
Internet Archive
// ===Noodle Tools=== // "Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need"
This page:[http:www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine.html http:www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine.html] is copyrighted.//
// ===Sharing dates and times=== // Google Calendar
// ===Communication (Asynchronous)=== // Gmail
// ===Note Taking=== // Top Ten Online Note Taking Applications//

===Annotating=== // // ===Text to speech=== // Natural Readers//

Maths Resources

====Illuminations==== // Khan Academy


= = // Visual Index Paper Models of Polyhedra//
// ====Maths and Spelling Practice==== // Tuptup//
// ===Literacy Resources=== // ReadWriteThink//
// ====Books==== // Children's books forever//
ICDL- International Children's Digital Library//
Tar Heel Reader = = // //

===Free Manuals for Free Software=== // FLOSS Manuals === === // //
// ===Twitter=== // //
Google Accounts on Twitter//
twitter.com/Google - our central account//
twitter.com/Blogger - for Blogger fans//
twitter.com/GoogleCalendar - user tips & updates//
twitter.com/GoogleImages - news, tips, tricks on our visual image search//
twitter.com/GoogleNews - latest headlines via Google News//
twitter.com/GoogleReader - from our feed reader team//
twitter.com/iGoogle - news & notes from Google's personalized homepage//
twitter.com/GoogleStudents - news of interest to students using Google//
twitter.com/YouTube - for YouTube fans//
twitter.com/YouTubeES - en Espanol//
twitter.com/GoogleAtWork - solutions for IT and workplace productivity
twitter.com/SketchUp - Google SketchUp news//
twitter.com/3DWH - SketchUp's 3D Warehouse//
twitter.com/Modelyourtown - 3D modeling to build your favorite places//
twitter.com/EarthOutreach - Earth & Maps tools for nonprofits & orgs//
twitter.com/GoogleMaps - uses, tips, mashups//
twitter.com/GoogleSkyMap -Android app for the night sky//

==Connecting Knowledge - Relational Outcome== // // === === // 2. ICT to enhance the conditions of value for linking ideas
(i.e. sequence, classify, compare and contrast, cause, part whole, analogy)
For example, concept mapping, graphic organisers, simulations, domain specific modelling software; microworlds spreadsheets;//
// ===Sequencing Applications=== // //
Viewzi The Timeline Visual Search Engine -//
''When you mouse over an article, the article lights up in blue and gives you a brief description. From there, you can click on the blue box, which will give you a larger snippet of text as well as a screenshot of the page and the date of the article. From there, you can click a green button and be on your way to the page.Search engine result pages are displayed from top to bottom in order of relevance and are colored from light blue (most relevant) to dark blue (less relevant). Pages are also displayed on the timeline from right to left according to the last updated timestamp. Viewzi gets its timestamp data from Google.The timeline is expandable, and you can drag a white bar across the top of the screen to search older results or scan more recent results.
Microsoft Photosynth //

Photosynth takes your photos, mashes them together and recreates a 3D scene out of them that anyone can view and move around in.
Microsoft Photostory//

Sequence slides to create a story
with Graphic Maps//
an online collaborative timeline//

Time Toast
// ===Comparison Applications=== // //
Opposing Views//
Mr Thread//
CenSEARCHip- Censorship search tool comparing search results for topics in different countries -//
Two different views of one search. One from a US perspective, one from a China perspective. Search term? Tiananmen Square.We live in a complex age. Airbrushes and Photoshopping. Hollywood-inspired DRM and IPR, ostensibly assuming universal human guilt about all kinds of things.As the Web becomes more and more central to the way we do things, we face greater and greater risk of tacit censorship. It is up to us to ensure that does not happen. Before we lose the ability to ensure it does not happen.
www.sodaplay.com%20%28physics%20based%20interactive%20toys%29%20%7C%5D%5D%5B%5B[http:earth.google.com/%20 http:earth.google.com/%20Google Earth]//

Collaborative Work Spaces

[http:titanpad.com/// http:titanpad.com///]
//TitanPad lets people work on one document simultaneously == == // //
Build a wall http://wallwisher.com/build//
For example

Dabble Board//
Google Docs
Wikispaces Wiki
// ==== ==== // //

Question Applications

===Online questioning framework=== //
How to use SurveyMonkey//
// ===Classification Applications=== // //
Concept Mapping//
Gliffy Online concept mapping software
[http://www.bubbl.us/ http://www.bubbl.us/ Bubbl.us]http://www.bubbl.us/ map online.//
Inspiration and Kidspiration concept mapping software//
Search engines that Cluster//
Quintura Visual Search Engine that clusters/ classifies/ groups and links related topics
Kids Quintura Visual Search Engine for kids that clusters and links information//
Grokker search engine clusters/links related information - non longer available//

===Chart Creation Applications=== // Chartle//
Lovely Charts//
Science and Maths - Explore Learning // http://www.explorelearning.com///
Twitter Analysis Tools//
// ===Voice=== // VoiceThread//
Add voice recording to slide shows, images etc

==Creating New Knowledge -Extended Abstract Outcome== // //
3. ICT to enhance the conditions of value for taking these linked ideas beyond the subject//
(i.e.generalise, reflect, predict, create, imagine, judge, evaluate)
For example, multimedia hypermedia authoring software, argument mapping software, PowerPoint, asynchronous/synchronous communication; Peer to peer networks, podcasting, SMS text, ism, email, fax, telephone, listservs, newsgroups, blogs, wikis//
// ===Argument Mapping=== // //
Persuasion Map//
// ====Argument==== // Power League//


Reliability and validity of information online//
Google Directory Hoax Sites//
Hoax Sites//
Burmese Mountain Dog//
Assessing the reliabilty of a website//
Evaluating webpages University of Berkley//
Evaluating information found on the internet John Hopkins University//
Heavy Metal Umlaut - John Udell//
[[http:|CAMPER for the Internet]]//
Wayback Machine//


====3-D images==== //
Google Sketchup//

Interactive Poster

Glogster Edu - Interactive Posters

====Voice Annotation==== //
Voice Thread//
// ====Cartoon/Comic Strip==== // GoAnimate//
Create animated characters and cartoons
click and drag comics
// ====Photo Editing==== // Aviary//
Free - online photo editor
// ====Songs==== // Jam Studio//
Songsmith - Microssoft - free trial version download - 6hrs//
// ====Walk==== // Community Walk - Google Maps interactive walks//
// ====Word Frequency==== // Wordle//
Dudley Aquabrowser//
// ===Simulation and Problem Solving=== // Whats the plan Stan//
Stop Disasters//


Using Blogger to create an e portfolio//
How using blogs might enhance the conditions of value in different student learning outcomes and home –school partnerships
Caveat: School cyber policy on use of student images and names that identify individuals online
Moderating comments before go online
Exploring ALL the settings in a Blogspot Blog
· Publishing a post
· Moderating blogger comments
· Access controls
· Templates
· Custom Colours and Fonts
· Drag and Drop page elements
· Widgets and HTML code eg calendars, Bubbleshare, visitor maps, Library Thing
· Uploading photos
//· Uploading video and wmv files eg Photostory3 media saves
Blogger Tutorial: Step Through Instructions:// http://weblogs.about.com/od/creatingablog/ss/BloggerTutorial.htm//
What’s a blog: [http:www.blogger.com/tour_start.g// http:www.blogger.com/tour_start.g</span>//]
Video from Google to get you started with blogger.com://
Blogger for educators: [http:www.google.com/educators/p_blogger.html// http:www.google.com/educators/p_blogger.html</span>//]
Google for Educators: // http://www.google.com/educators/index.html//
Free images for your blog // http://www.masternewmedia.org/where_to_find_free_images_and_visuals///
How using wikis might enhance the conditions of value in different student learning outcomes and home –school partnerships
Wikispaces for Educators [http:www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers// http:www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers</span>//]
Guide to using Wikispaces [[http:www.scribd.com/doc/2882052/Help-Wikispaces-TeacherPresentation%3C/span%3E%3Cspan|<span ] http://www.scribd.com/doc/2882052/Help-Wikispaces-TeacherPresentation�368�//
NZ Teacher wikispaces [http:nzedublogs.wikispaces.com/classes+and+students+using+wikis// http:nzedublogs.wikispaces.com/classes+and+students+using+wikis]]
Educator spaces without advertising
Using square bracket square bracket toc square bracket square bracket fand drop down headings for creating a Table of contents
Build sense that wiki is a community space
Each student can have have own page on wikispace
All edits to be annotated
Teacher as admin – then class email and password for studenst – RSS feed and email to admin for all page changes
// =Purposeful Use of ICTs - Self Assessment Rubric= // //
SOLO Rubric: Teacher Self Assessment ICT Use

Extended Abstract I make judgements about which ICT use is most appropriate for meeting my learning intention.//

//For example

  • I group my students in mathletics so they can focus on the learning intention at their level.
  • I can select the best tool to meet a LI and explain why it meets my LI.
  • eg. I have selected to use the protractor rather than BBC Skillwise because I can use my own examples.
  • I have selected to use Glogster rather than Power Point because: it is able to be viewed by a wider audience and can develop home-school partnerships, it links between content on one page, it is easily embeddable, it is easy to use and students can continue work on it from home.
Relational I can explain why/how my ICT supports an identified learning intention in my planning.//

'For example,//

  • When we learn geometry we use ‘triangle trouble’ from Mathletics because we are learning to classify triangles.
  • I can say why I have chosen the tool I am using on the IWB and how it supports our LI. eg. I am using the protractor on the IWB because it is big, clear, moveable and I can make a movie to continue the modelling while my students are working.
  • I am using Glogster with my students because it enables my students to connect multi-literacies to show their understanding.
Multistructural I am aware of a number of different ICT tools that are on my team long term plan.//

'For example,//

  • Our school uses Mathletics, Digistore and Rainforest Maths for maths.
  • I am aware I can use many tools on the IWB. eg. I can use the pen, ruler, rubber, internet and my content.
  • I am aware the tools you can use in Glogster will engage my class. Eg, video, sound, image, text, graphics.
Unistructural I use ICTs with my students when I am directed to on the team long term plan.//

'For example,//

  • Our school uses mathletics for maths.
  • I use the IWB like a whiteboard eg. I can use the pen on the IWB to write.
  • I used Glogster because it was suggested at our team meeting.
Prestructural I need help.
Personal tools