Key Competency - Participating and Contributing

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Key Competency - Participating and Contributing


Be aware of local/national/global communities/ understand the purpose of these communities/respond appropriately in a group situation/ make connections with others/ take on a range of roles/display an awareness of local/national and global issues/ be actively involved in community issues/understand the importance of balancing rights, roles and responsibilities/make decisions/ contribute to social/physical and economic environments
Media type="custom" key="4293921"

SOLO Taxonomy Self Assessment Rubrics

Participating and contributing:

Understanding the importance of balancing rights roles and responsibilities

Extended Abstract * I can identify several rights, roles and responsibilities I have in [community X], explain what my rights, roles and responsibilities contribute to the community, AND evaluate the relative importance of balancing my collective rights, roles and responsibilities in maintaining the health of the community.
Relational * I can identify several rights, roles and responsibilities I have in [community X] AND explain what my rights, roles and responsibilities contribute to the community.
Multistructural * I can identify several rights, roles and responsibilities I have in [community X]
Unistructural * I can identify a right, a role and a responsibility I have in [community X]
Prestructural * I need help to identify my rights, roles and responsibilities in [community X]

Participating and contributing:

Respect in P4C Communities

Extended Abstract In P4C discussions I let others know I want to speak, I wait for my turn, and I listen carefully to what others are saying. When I speak I acknowledge what others have said, respond to their ideas and evaluate their ideas to suggest new ideas and directions for the P4C community to consider.
Relational In P4C discussions I let others know I want to speak, I wait for my turn, and I listen carefully to what others are saying. When I speak I acknowledge what others have said and respond to their ideas.
Multistructural In P4C discussions I signal to let others know I want to speak, I wait for my turn, and I listen carefully to what others are saying
Unistructural In P4C discussions I signal to let others know I want to speak
Prestructural I need to be encouraged to participate in P4C discussion

Participating and contributing:

Giving feedback

Extended Abstract I can give “positive and improvement” feedback in a way that my partner finds useful. I can reflect on the feedback and how it was received and how I might improve giving feedback next time.
Relational I can give “positive and improvement” feedback in a way that my partner finds useful
Multistructural I can give “positive and improvement” feedback
Unistructural I can give feedback
Prestructural I need help to give feedback.

Participating and contributing:

Giving Feedback –(FMCA - facts meaning consequences action)

Extended Abstract I can give feedback, elaborate on it, explain the impact/ give reasons. AND suggest next steps. (FACTS MEANING CONSEQUENCES ACTION)
Relational I can give feedback, elaborate on it AND explain the impact/ give reasons. (FACTS MEANING CONSEQUENCES)
Multistructural I can give feedback and elaborate on it. (FACTS MEANING)
Unistructural I can give feedback. (FACTS)
Prestructural I need help to give feedback.

Participating and contributing:

Poetry Presentation

Extended Abstract I have memorised my poem, can recite it to an audience, explain why I chose this poet/ poem, and reflect on my performance and choice of poem.

I can use my voice to show feelings in the poem to the audience. (volume and expression) and change this at the right time and in the right way. (improvise)

Relational I have memorised my poem, can recite it to an audience and can explain why I chose this poet/ poem.

I can use my voice to show feelings in the poem to the audience. (volume and expression)

Multistructural I have memorised my poem and can recite it to an audience.

I can be heard by the audience and I can alter my voice to be loud or quiet when they listen to me

Unistructural I can remember most of my poem and recite it to the audience.

I can be heard by the audience (volume/ projection)

Prestructural I need help to choose a poem

I need help to remember a poem
I cannot be heard by others when I present my poem

Participating and contributing:

Sharing ideas in class discussion

Extended Abstract I can volunteer ideas in a class discussion, listen to the ideas of others and make links to their ideas. I can evaluate the ideas shared by the class and from this suggest new ideas for discussion.
Relational I can volunteer ideas in a class discussion, listen to the ideas of others and make links to their ideas
Multistructural I can volunteer ideas in a class discussion
Unistructural I can share one idea when the teacher asks me to
Prestructural I am not ready to share my ideas yet
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