SOLO Flashcards

by Pam Hook on août 25, 2019

in HookED Store, Resources, SOLO Hand Signs, SOLO Taxonomy

Announcing a new HookED SOLO resource.

My client schools have been using these SOLO Flashcards for a while, but I only found time to share them in the HookED Store this weekend. It has been a busy year.

You can check them out at the HookED SOLO Store

HookED SOLO Flashcards – Connectives

HookED SOLO Flashcards – Verbs

The SOLO Flashcards are designed to support student literacy.

One collection features the SOLO academic verbs (54 cards) – see sample flashcards above.

The other collection features SOLO connectives/discourse markers (110 cards) .

Each collection is available in two variants – one using SOLO Hand signs and another using the SOLO Symbols.

Both sets use a design developed by the fabulous Tobias Jacoby a skilled practitioner and facilitator for the classroom based use of SOLO Taxonomy in the Gladsaxe Kommune, Denmark.

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Charlotte Vallentin janvier 21, 2020 at %H:%M

What is the difference between a hot map and a HOOK ed map?
thank you for an answer,


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