Perching in the HookED 2017 Pear Tree
2017 is proving to be a great year for progress in the classroom based use of SOLO Taxonomy.
Work has taken me to schools across New Zealand and Australia, and to Denmark and Tonga.
My efforts to create meaning with others has resulted in another iPad app, YouTube Instructional videos and many different print texts.
When I look at the list of publications to date I am genuinely startled – bewildered by how much has been achieved in this Partridge in a Pear Tree kind of a year.
an iPAd app – SOLO Hexagons
– SOLO Hexagons is a strategy for enhancing higher order thinking and systems thinking. Generate content (ideas and images) on the hexagons. Make links between the hexagons, annotating any links with reasons. Extend your thinking by making generalisations about the BIG IDEA in the clusters of hexagons.Challenging others to extend their thinking is easy and fun! Simply share your hexagons, and challenge others to make connections and extend your ideas. Invite others to generate hexagons for you to connect and extend. Use SOLO hexagons as a strategy to determine prior knowledge, scaffold student writing, conduct formative assessment, revise and or extend student thinking
a chapter in a Crown House Publications Book – on Progress
Hook, P. (2017). On making progress visible with SOLO. In I. Wallace and L. Kirkman (Eds), Best of the Best. Progress. Crown House Publishing. UK.
four books for Essential Resources – in collaboration with 6 teachers in science, the social sciences and music.
Hook, P., and Tolhoek, W. (2017). Using SOLO Taxonomy to Think Like a Scientist. How to develop curious minds with the science capabilities. The Material World. Essential Resources Educational Publishers Limited. New Zealand.
Hook, P., Ipsen, S., and McCombe M. (in press). Using SOLO Taxonomy in Student Inquiry. Bk 1. How student inquiry can develop creative and critical thinking. Essential Resources Educational Publishers Limited. New Zealand.
Hook, P., Ipsen, S., and McCombe M. (in press). Using SOLO Taxonomy in Student Inquiry. Bk.2. Templates to make your own student inquiry book. Essential Resources Educational Publishers Limited. New Zealand.
Hook, P., Booth, N., Price, A., and Fobister, L. (in press). SOLO Taxonomy in Music Education: Developing high-quality musicians through a reflective learning environment. Essential Resources Educational Publishers Limited. New Zealand.
seven new YouTube SOLO Map and rubric videos
in the play list series “How to use … SOLO Maps”
a chapter in Dr HuiYong Tay’s new book – Designing Quality Authentic Assessments – Routledge
Hook, P. (in press) How do you design quality rubrics to accompany the authentic assessment (AA). In Tay, H.Y.(Ed), Designing Quality Authentic Assessments. Routledge
a set of online curriculum resources New Zealand Transport Agency – Keeping Safe Around Trucks. Curriculum resources for young people to contribute, connect and extend their ideas about keeping safe around trucks on New Zealand roads. These resources are designed to support deep learning. Learning activities are mapped against Levels 1-4 of the New Zealand Curriculum, which loosely align with Years 1-10 of school. This means teachers can use these resources to select suitable learning experiences for students in primary, intermediate or secondary (Years 9-10) classes.* Coverage includes:Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education
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Many thanks indeed for this privilge.