Teachers in the schools I work with do some pretty amazing teaching and learning with SOLO Taxonomy.
Very cool Wellington High School teacher Ben Britton (T: @mrbenbritton) contacted me recently about making some 3-D Printer designs for SOLO Taxonomy stamps based on my symbols.
Ben has shared his 3-D printer stamp designs on Makerbot Thingiverse SOLO Taxonomy Stamps by Ben Britton
They are what Dave my software developer would call mint work or sick Id call them fabulous.
Download Bens 3-D designs and get teachers and students SOLO stamping.
I love hearing about the many different ways teachers and students use SOLO to make learning visible in their classes. And I share these ideas with the wider SOLO community via Twitter (@arti_choke and @globalSOLO) and Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/solotaxonomy/).